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Quality Products and Timely Service

As one of the leading dental labs in the United States, Global Dental Solutions provides dentists across the nation with superior products for their dental practices offering timely case delivery, accurate restorations, and efficient appointments. We offer the highest quality products including nightguards, occlusal splints, sports mouthguards, and anti-snoring devices made with utmost precision and dedication by our lab technicians. Working with us ensures you get superior products to make your patients happy and keep your practice thriving through referrals from these happy patients. If you’re ready to find the highest quality products to use in your dental practice, look no further, as you’ve found it in Global Dental Solutions. Take a look at some of our offerings below and get in touch for more information.

  • If you are a patient seeking dental care or advice, we are unable to assist you. We service Dentists and dental laboratories and can not treat patients directly.

Hard Nightguards/Occlusal Splints

Sports Mouthguards from Global dental solutions at Atlanta, GAAs a dental professional, you understand just how damaging teeth clenching and grinding can be for your patients. A custom nightguard will help prevent damage resulting from these involuntary habits while they sleep. Each nightguard/occlusal splint is constructed of either hard or soft material or a combination of both hard and soft material. They are ideal for both the upper and lower arches, based on the doctor’s preference and the indicated use, and can be made with or without anterior guidance.

When prescribing the hard nightguards/occlusal splints, please specify if you want to engage the opposing cusps, or if you desire a flat occlusal plane. Our custom, hard nightguards are fabricated with a clear, heat-cured acrylic for a precision fit and we specially design the anterior region for an optimal path of insertion that can accommodate even severely flared or undercut teeth. This rigid nightguard/occlusal splint can accommodate heavy bruxers and/or patients with moderate TMJ concerns.


Soft and Combination Nightguards/ Occlusal Splints

We also offer three other nightguards, including a combination hard/soft (hard outside with a soft inner liner), soft nightguard, and guards made using the IMPAK material. Our combination hard nightguard/occlusal splint with soft inner liner and our soft nightguard are both produced using 4mm thick vacuum formed material. The combination nightguard consists of a hard outer layer with a soft inner layer. Because raising the vertical dimension in the posterior results in an open anterior bite, for the combination nightguards, we will wax and process clear, hard acrylic onto the anterior occlusal surface so that you receive a nightguard with a balanced occlusal table.

ImpakTM , by Nobilium, is a unique resilient heat-cure dental material. The finished appliance becomes compliant under hot water, which enables quick and easy seating of night guards chairside, with little time spent on adjustments.

Get in touch with us for more information or to request materials for submitting a case.

The logo of IMPAK

A clear plastic tooth against a white backdrop, representing the Impak nightguard in Atlanta, GA

Sport Mouthguards

We offer the Playsafe medium duty sports mouthguard by Erkodent. They consist of a 2mm inner layer and a 4mm outer layer. The Playsafe medium duty guards are recommended for sports where objects with a large surface area may be received, such as boxing, biking, basketball, soccer, judo, wrestling, and motocross. They are always fabricated for the maxillary and are extended to the first molars only. Our sport mouthguards fit exactly onto the teeth, do not move, and allow the wearer to breath freely. Additionally, the occlusal surface captures the opposing bite. Please ask us about the available colors.

The sport mouth guard in multi color at Atlanta, GA

Sports Mouth Guard by Global Dental Solutions - Front View

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(866) 905-1111