Dental Certifications
Certified Dental Technician
Mastery of Knowledge and Applied Skills Needed in Dental Technology
The CDT designation is a great achievement and demonstrates a significant mastery of the knowledge and applied skills needed in dental technology. Individuals achieving this designation have demonstrated a competency not all of their peers will achieve. Additionally, there exists an RG designation which illustrates a recent graduate’s commitment to the field of dental technology and demonstrates their knowledge in all five specialty areas while they earn the experience necessary to become a CDT. The pride of earning a CDT or RG is personally rewarding and the CDT designation places the recipient among the group of individuals who are at the top of the dental technology profession.

Certified Dental Technicians (CDTs)
Although certification is costly and requires a sustained commitment, it has many benefits for dental technicians, laboratory owners, and dental customers. CDTs and RGs have not only demonstrated competency, but they have shown determination and commitment to completing the certification process. The attained skill and knowledge of the CDT is highly desirable to laboratories. This value is affirmed by statistics that show almost two-thirds of CDTs have held their certificate for more than 10 years. Today’s CDTs are dedicated individuals who believe strongly in improving themselves and their profession.
The extensive knowledge gained by the CDT and RG during the required continuing education process assures the laboratory owner, dental customer and the public that this individual is a true student of the profession with a solid commitment to remain at the cutting edge of his or her field. We, at Global Dental Solutions, support the CDT program and hire technicians with the CDT designation.

American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
The Give Back a Smile (GBAS) program was launched on May 27, 1999, by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Charitable Foundation (AACDCF). Since that time, AACD member dentists, dental laboratories, and other dental professionals have volunteered their time and expertise pro bono, to restore the damaged smiles of more than 1,100 survivors of domestic violence for a total dollar value of more than $10 million.

Global Dental Solutions is a proud member of The National Association of Dental Laboratories (NADL). The NADL is the unified voice of the dental laboratory industry supporting dentistry and serving the public interest by promoting high standards. NADL accomplishes this by providing programs, services and networking opportunities to meet the evolving technical, educational, professional and business needs of dental laboratories. To learn more, select the link here:

Georgia Dental Lab Association
Global Dental Solutions, LLC is a proud member of the Georgia Dental Laboratory Association. Prior to its formation in 2001, the GDLA existed for many decades as the Georgia State Dental Laboratory Association. The purpose of the GDLA is as follows:
- To uphold and advance the dignity, honor, professionalism, and competency of those engaged in the dental laboratory industry.
- To promote the highest standards of work and service to the industry and to establish a spirit of cooperation among the diverse groups associated with the field.
- To develop activities and education which will enable the industry to conduct itself with greater economic and technical efficiency and improve its service to the dental profession.
- To cooperate wherever legal and proper with other industries and organizations in the pursuit of mutually desirable objectives.
- To assist and cooperate with governmental departments and agencies on new legislation or matters affecting the industry necessary to promote the best interests of public health and welfare.
- To engage in appropriate and lawful activities to promote the efficiency and economic progress of the industry
- To provide programs, services, networking opportunities and a central unified voice for dental technicians that are responsive to the evolving technical, professional, and business needs of the members.
- To encourage strict adherence to and compliance with all laws relating to the regulation of the dental laboratory industry.
- To collect and disseminate economic and statistical information relative to the industry and, in general, advance and further the interests and welfare of the dental laboratory industry.

Captek Advanced Certified
Global Dental Solutions, LLC is officially certified as having in-depth knowledge in the fabrication process for Captek™ restorations, including the use of the advanced nano-particle based Captek™ materials and applications such as long-span bridges and implant restorations. Captek™ Advanced Certified Laboratories are trained to maximize the full potential of the Captek™ “Composite Metal” Technology.

Valplast Certified Laboratory
Consistent quality that you can rely on is key to your success with any Valplast® restoration. Laboratories and technicians that process their own Valplast® are invited to apply for certification in Valplast® by taking a practical exam to demonstrate their proficiency with the material. When you are ready to prescribe a Valplast® restoration, Valplast Corporation strongly recommends using only a Certified Valplast® Laboratory to help ensure success.